
Showing posts from 2014

fertility + males

25 historical images of breastfeeding

Doula Research: Caesareans Reduced By 60-80%

Homebirth at Christmas

why birth is important

DIY postpartum spray

homebirth supplies

seeding baby's microbiome

Feel Fertile Smootie

a birth worth fighting for

Man's Guide to Doulas

homebirths are best for many mothers

8 reasons people don't hire doulas

the importance of sex

why do women give birth on their backs?

raspberry leaf tea

baby's first hour

7 seven things you need to know to prepare for birth

what does a postpartum doula really do?

essential oils

how your period works

heavier babies do better in school

healthy fear

20 reasons you should hire a doula

made to order

Call the Doula!