siblings + happiness

Siblings, you love them, sometimes hate them, they may irritate you, you for sure do the same to them. After losing my dad a few months ago, I can attest to the bond despite everything else. No words need to be spoken, you often know exactly how they are feeling. Our sibling relationships are the longest-lasting family ties we have and they can be the most complicated. 

Katherine Streeter for NPR 

"There's probably a biological explanation for the intensity of the sibling bond. Siblings share half their genes, which evolutionary biologists say should be motivation enough for mutual devotion. ("I would lay down my life," British biologist J.B.S. Haldane once said, applying the arithmetic of kin selection, "for two brothers or eight cousins.") Siblings are a crucial part of a child's development, too, teaching one another socialization skills and the rules of dominance and hierarchy, all part of the eternal struggle for parental resources."

Siblings are a huge part of our social education from birth. The older sibling gains social skills from interacting with the younger and the younger sibling gains cognitively by imitating the older. Friction and fighting between siblings teaches them conflict-resolution and how to interact with peers, co-workers and friends for the rest of their lives. Literature on sibling relationships show that indicators of well-being- mood, health, morale, stress, depression, etc are tied to how you feel about your brothers and sisters. read article here

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