Making Space

As a doula and childbirth educator when I talk about optimal fetal positioning with clients I can often see their eyes widening and a look of fear come over them. Panic. What if their baby wasn’t in this optimal position, what if they didn’t know what position their baby was in?! 
The last thing I want to do is give them more things to stress over. 

 In previous generations, optimal positioning wouldn't have even been discussed mostly attributed to the fact that our lifestyles were drastically different from today. The reality is that many women find themselves sitting or standing in one position for longer periods of time. Sitting at a desk all day (often with legs crossed) can alter your soft tissues and condition your pelvis/uterus/ligaments for poor alignment and shift baby into a less optimal position.   

After educating couples and clients about these positions, I realized that I needed to offer individual, 1-1 sessions to help alleviate their fears and provide simple movement options.  Prenatal wellness appointments (not just available to my doula clients but any expecting mamas regardless of care provider) are available to expecting and postpartum mamas who are looking for ways to ease pregnancy discomforts, promote healing and recovery post-birth and make space for baby to optimize the physical relationship between mother and baby. 
Regular body work can not only help bring comfort during pregnancy and childbirth 
but during postpartum as well.


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